Help how do I butt?

Relax, we got you. Here's what you need to know if you recently added ButtBot to your server:

Whitelisting Channels

By default ButtBot will not do anything when it first arrives in your server. You need to give ButtBot permission to read a channel to get started. To do this, run the following command with the channel you want to whitelist:

?butt whitelist #channel-name

Obviously, replace #channel-name with the channel you want to whitelist.

Giving other roles access to control ButtBot

If you want other roles, like your moderators, to be able to control ButtBot you will need to give those roles access with the following command:

?butt access @rolename

Adjusting Buttify Chance

If you want to adjust the chance the bot will choose a message, run the following command and input a float between 0 and 1. (For example, 0.5 is 50% chance. 0.05 is 5% chance) Default value is 0.05.

?butt setting chanceToButt 0.5

Adjust Butt Buffer

The Butt Buffer is how many messages after the bot buttifies a message before it will starting trying to choose a message again. This prevents the bot from spamming very active servers. Default value is 10.

?butt setting buttBuffer 10

Disabling ButtAI (Voting)

ButtAI let's ButtBot learn what's funny and what isn't by letting users vote with reactions for each message. If you want to disable this, you can run the following command. By default, its enabled. (If you want to re-enable it, set it back to 1)

?butt setting buttAI 0